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   Chris' Music Page 

           Hi my name is Chris and this is my web page.  I'd like to dedicate this web page to Classic Rock, music from the 60's.  I'd like to first start off with a Supergroup of the 60's, Cream.  Cream consisted of Eric Clapton on Guitar, Jack Bruce on Bass, and Ginger Baker on Drums (the best drummer in the world!!!).  Cream gave music a whole new name in that era, but disbanned in 1969 with their Goodbye Tour.  Grand Funk Railroad, my favorite band, consists of Mark Farner, Mel Shacher, and Don Brewer.  The band was built around a bass line.  Mel made that definiate with making their songs, Closer to Home, Inside Look Out, and all of their songs off of the Red Album possible with Mel.  Jimi Hendrix Experience is another group that brought music to a new end.  It had Jimi Hendrix, the best guitarist of all-time, Noel Redding on Bass, and Mitch Mitchell on Drums.  The Experience had made music have a new end.  Hendrix on guitar helped the band greatly.  One other band was Led Zeppelin.  Led Zeppelin is a band of they're own kind.  First Robert Plant.....who got his voice from slamming his hand in a car door.  His voice makes the hard rock playing come out.  Jimmy Page who had good guitar skills, but was a little bit too cocky.  I loved John Paul Jones bass playing skills.  He had the good sound for the band.  Last, John Bonham, loves to hacked, but I enjoyed listening to him with the band.  He made hard rock better.  I have most of Led Zeppelin's albums.  The Acid Rock Band, Blue Cheer.  They are awesome with their Just a Little Bit song, off of OutsideInside album.  Their only song, Summertime Blues, made it to the radio in the 60's, but the album, OutsideInside, should be bought.  Especially if you love getting stoned with acid.  I really like to make this page for all of those classic rock and acid rock music and players like myself.  I hope you enjoy it.

The Cream Page
The Led Zeppelin Page
The Pink Floyd Page

Hot Links
Jazz's Web Page
Official Jimi Hendrix Site
A Pink Floyd Page
The Grand Funk Railroad Site!!!!

My Visual Basic Programs
Slope Intercept and Distance Formula prog.

Personal Interests
I play the Drums and Bass Guitar whenever I am needed.  I am also on the track team for my school.  I throw Shotput and Discus.  I love listening to music.  My favorite bands are Led Zeppelin, Jimi Hendrix, CREAM, Pink Floyd, Grand Funk Railroad, YES, Grand Funk Railroad....BLUE CHEER!!!!! and lots more.  I'm a musician and like to play music for most of my spare time.  I play with my band FATE and help out with another band called EIGHTBALLZ.  At home I have a pet Cockatiel(bird), his name is Chester.  (Look at bottom for picture).   I hope you enjoy my web page and come back and look for lots of new stuff............. PEACE BRO!

Contact Me!!
Email Address: [email protected]
You can also look for me on Aol
Screen Name: MstangGT66

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